NRECA International Volunteer Trips
NRECA International Volunteer Trips

Infographic from November 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Cyberthreats and Defenses
Cyberthreats and Defenses

Infographic fromOctober 2023 issue of RE Magazine. (with Jeff Dionise)

What is IDRP?
What is IDRP?

Infographic from August 2023 issue of RE Magazine

3-D Printed House
3-D Printed House

Infographic from June 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Substation Security
Substation Security

Infographic from April 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Grow Houses
Grow Houses

Infographic from March 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Stove Types
Stove Types

Infographic from February 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Heat Pumps
Heat Pumps

Infographic from January 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Home Envelope Advances
Home Envelope Advances

Infographic from December 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Utility Drone
Utility Drone

Infographic from July 2022 issue of RE Magazine

2022 Hermes Gold Award Winner

International Impact
International Impact

Infographic from November 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Hurricane Hardening
Hurricane Hardening

Infographic from September 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Trouble with Transformers
Trouble with Transformers

Infographic from August 2022 issue of RE Magazine


Infographic from June 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Infographic from May 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Reducing Emissions
Reducing Emissions

Infographic from April 2022 issue of RE Magazine

2023 Hermes Platinum Award Winner

The Internet of things
The Internet of things

Infographic from March 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Electrifying Ag
Electrifying Ag

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, February 2022 issue

2022 Hermes Gold Award Winner


Infographic from December 2021 issue of RE Magazine

How CCS Works
How CCS Works

Infographic from July 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Co-ops and Military Bases
Co-ops and Military Bases

Infographic from November 2021 issue of RE Magazine

Going off-Grid
Going off-Grid

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, September 2021 issue

Energy Storage
Energy Storage

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, August 2021 issue

Wildfire Preparedness
Wildfire Preparedness

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, July 2021 issue.

Special thanks to Jeff Dionise

Drone Graphic
Drone Graphic

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, June 2021 issue

2022 Hermes Platinum Award Winner

How EVs Impact the Grid
How EVs Impact the Grid

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, April 2021 issue

What can a Microgrids Do?
What can a Microgrids Do?

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, April 2021 issue

How Wolar Panels Work
How Wolar Panels Work

Illustration of how Solar Panels turn Sunlight into electricity and use it to feed the grid.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

Patrolling the Lines
Patrolling the Lines

Infographic for NRECA

USA Today: Full Page Graphic
USA Today: Full Page Graphic

Using a mixture of charts, facts and illustrations, this full page infographic ran on the eve of the Scottish independence vote and gives a rundown of what was at stake.


Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

Infographic Chart Package
Infographic Chart Package

Stylized chart package

Created with Adobe Illustrator

Wilderness Society
Wilderness Society

Long form infographic created for The Wilderness Society urging the Obama Administration to take a more balanced approach to land management and comparing that approach to previous administrations. 


Created with Adobe Illustator

Population Graphic
Population Graphic

This long form infographic serves as an in-depth look at world population as it stands today, where people live, and features a timeline showing significant population milestones along with other associated facts.


Created in Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Energy Efficiency
NRECA: Energy Efficiency

Isometric cutaway graphic showing the interior of a mobile home and ways for homeowners to save money on heating and cooling.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Microgrids
NRECA: Microgrids

Isometric landscape/weather graphic explaining how Microgrids work and their vulnerability during storms.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Microgrids II
NRECA: Microgrids II

For this graphic I wanted to show how isolated microgrids work inside of cities. I purposely pulled the non-involved buildings back in tone and brought the relelvant information to the fore with color.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Concept graphic
NRECA: Concept graphic

One-page illustration to explain the concept of Carbon Capture.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA TODAY: Holiday card
USA TODAY: Holiday card

This was a really fun graphic to write and draw. feel free to pass it around this holiday season!

Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Farm Safety
NRECA: Farm Safety

This graphic is directed at the Agriculture worker. The goal is to educate the reader on basic safety tips when confronted with downed electrical wires in rural areas.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Guide to Powerlines
NRECA: Guide to Powerlines

The goal of this graphic is to educate the reader on the three types of electrical wires and how to tell them apart.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA TODAY: July Fourth graphic
USA TODAY: July Fourth graphic


From frankfurters to fireworks, this is a quick look at how Americans celebrate the Fourth of July.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Wire Safety
NRECA: Wire Safety

This graphic is directed at the general public. The goal is to educate the reader on basic safety tips when confronted with downed electrical wires.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today: Full Page infographic
USA Today: Full Page infographic

Capitol Dome Restoration. I worked directly with a writer, a researcher and the architects responsible for the restoration of the Capitol building in to develop this full page graphic. Fairly quick turnaround. Good results.


Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

RE Magazine illustration
RE Magazine illustration

This piece mixed an infographic and a feature story headline in a really interesting way. One of my favorites. (Special thanks to Jerry Mosemak at for the texture assist.)

Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

USA Today: Local Food
USA Today: Local Food

This was a one-day "Design Jam" graphic for the USA Today Network focusing on three U.S. cities and what "local food" means to them. I wanted to keep the art flat and simple so that the charts stood out. This was a small team effort with me wearing  as designer, researcher and copywriter hats.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA TODAY: Print and mobile graphic
USA TODAY: Print and mobile graphic

Spies are Us. This infographic ran along side an interview of real live spy, Peter Earnest (Executive Director of the International Spy Museum). The graphic mixes notable milestones in spying history with state of the art spy gear of the time.


Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

USA Today: Election graphic
USA Today: Election graphic

See how close we are? This quick-turn infographic shows that both Red staters and Blue Staters agree that the lowly sandwich is the best thing to have for lunch.

Created with Adobe Illustrator


Marketing infographic touting the services of a Digital Marketing and SEO company.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today Infographic: The Drought
USA Today Infographic: The Drought

Flowchart illustrating the unexpected effects of drought conditions and how they effect us all.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today Infographic: Music Festival Guide
USA Today Infographic: Music Festival Guide

This was one of my favorite-ever graphics to create. There was lots of information to work with, and since the subject matter is light-hearted, I tried to have as much fun as I could, adding little touches that will be familiar to the average music festival goer.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today: Live Aid
USA Today: Live Aid

Live aid: 30 Years Later(if you can believe it...) This was a quick turnaround numbers graphic that accompanied a "look back" story.


Created with Adobe Illustrator


Here is an example of an icon-based numbers graphic that shows just enough information to keep you interested.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today Holiday Traffic-graphic
USA Today Holiday Traffic-graphic

Infographic as game. Another fun one! Here I took a stale yearly traffic forecast and turned it into something you actually want to interact with. Who says stifling holiday traffic can't be fun?


(Original published artwork was Flash-based interactive.)

Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Flash

USA Today Network Graphic
USA Today Network Graphic

Let's get digital. This was a one-day "Design Jam" graphic for the USA Today Network. This was a small team effort with me wearing  as designer, researcher and copywriter hats.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today Network graphic
USA Today Network graphic

Your favorite toys. This was a one-day "Design Jam" graphic for the USA Today Network. This was a small team effort with me wearing  as designer, researcher and copywriter hats.


Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

USA Today: Halloween
USA Today: Halloween

Boo! this was a fun exercise in making a list interesting and festive. I really like this one too.


Created with Adobe Illustrator 

USA Today Network Graphic
USA Today Network Graphic

Hello Dolly. This was a one-day "Design Jam" graphic for the USA Today Network. This was a small team effort with me wearing  as designer, researcher and copywriter hats.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today graphic: Bitcoin
USA Today graphic: Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin? This graphic explains the difference between the  almighty U.S. Dollar and this upstart currency.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

Usa Today Network graphic
Usa Today Network graphic

Cupid or Stupid. This was a one-day "Design Jam" graphic for the USA Today Network. This was a small team effort with me wearing  as designer, researcher and copywriter hats.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today: Advertising graphic
USA Today: Advertising graphic

Part of a series of travel pieces where a seasoned business traveller is selected to give their take on a city that they frequently travel to. 

Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA International
NRECA International

Public service ad campaign for NRECA International teaching developing countries the medical benefits of electrification.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

Got Milk?
Got Milk?

"Beyond the Banner" ad treatment for the front page of USA TODAY.


NRECA International Volunteer Trips
Cyberthreats and Defenses
What is IDRP?
3-D Printed House
Substation Security
Grow Houses
Stove Types
Heat Pumps
Home Envelope Advances
Utility Drone
International Impact
Hurricane Hardening
Trouble with Transformers
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Reducing Emissions
The Internet of things
Electrifying Ag
How CCS Works
Co-ops and Military Bases
Going off-Grid
Energy Storage
Wildfire Preparedness
Drone Graphic
How EVs Impact the Grid
What can a Microgrids Do?
How Wolar Panels Work
Patrolling the Lines
USA Today: Full Page Graphic
Infographic Chart Package
Wilderness Society
Population Graphic
NRECA: Energy Efficiency
NRECA: Microgrids
NRECA: Microgrids II
NRECA: Concept graphic
USA TODAY: Holiday card
NRECA: Farm Safety
NRECA: Guide to Powerlines
USA TODAY: July Fourth graphic
NRECA: Wire Safety
USA Today: Full Page infographic
RE Magazine illustration
USA Today: Local Food
USA TODAY: Print and mobile graphic
USA Today: Election graphic
USA Today Infographic: The Drought
USA Today Infographic: Music Festival Guide
USA Today: Live Aid
USA Today Holiday Traffic-graphic
USA Today Network Graphic
USA Today Network graphic
USA Today: Halloween
USA Today Network Graphic
USA Today graphic: Bitcoin
Usa Today Network graphic
USA Today: Advertising graphic
NRECA International
Got Milk?
NRECA International Volunteer Trips

Infographic from November 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Cyberthreats and Defenses

Infographic fromOctober 2023 issue of RE Magazine. (with Jeff Dionise)

What is IDRP?

Infographic from August 2023 issue of RE Magazine

3-D Printed House

Infographic from June 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Substation Security

Infographic from April 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Grow Houses

Infographic from March 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Stove Types

Infographic from February 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Heat Pumps

Infographic from January 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Home Envelope Advances

Infographic from December 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Utility Drone

Infographic from July 2022 issue of RE Magazine

2022 Hermes Gold Award Winner

International Impact

Infographic from November 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Hurricane Hardening

Infographic from September 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Trouble with Transformers

Infographic from August 2022 issue of RE Magazine


Infographic from June 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Infographic from May 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Reducing Emissions

Infographic from April 2022 issue of RE Magazine

2023 Hermes Platinum Award Winner

The Internet of things

Infographic from March 2022 issue of RE Magazine

Electrifying Ag

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, February 2022 issue

2022 Hermes Gold Award Winner


Infographic from December 2021 issue of RE Magazine

How CCS Works

Infographic from July 2023 issue of RE Magazine

Co-ops and Military Bases

Infographic from November 2021 issue of RE Magazine

Going off-Grid

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, September 2021 issue

Energy Storage

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, August 2021 issue

Wildfire Preparedness

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, July 2021 issue.

Special thanks to Jeff Dionise

Drone Graphic

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, June 2021 issue

2022 Hermes Platinum Award Winner

How EVs Impact the Grid

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, April 2021 issue

What can a Microgrids Do?

Full page graphic published in RE Magazine, April 2021 issue

How Wolar Panels Work

Illustration of how Solar Panels turn Sunlight into electricity and use it to feed the grid.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

Patrolling the Lines

Infographic for NRECA

USA Today: Full Page Graphic

Using a mixture of charts, facts and illustrations, this full page infographic ran on the eve of the Scottish independence vote and gives a rundown of what was at stake.


Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

Infographic Chart Package

Stylized chart package

Created with Adobe Illustrator

Wilderness Society

Long form infographic created for The Wilderness Society urging the Obama Administration to take a more balanced approach to land management and comparing that approach to previous administrations. 


Created with Adobe Illustator

Population Graphic

This long form infographic serves as an in-depth look at world population as it stands today, where people live, and features a timeline showing significant population milestones along with other associated facts.


Created in Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Energy Efficiency

Isometric cutaway graphic showing the interior of a mobile home and ways for homeowners to save money on heating and cooling.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Microgrids

Isometric landscape/weather graphic explaining how Microgrids work and their vulnerability during storms.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Microgrids II

For this graphic I wanted to show how isolated microgrids work inside of cities. I purposely pulled the non-involved buildings back in tone and brought the relelvant information to the fore with color.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Concept graphic

One-page illustration to explain the concept of Carbon Capture.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA TODAY: Holiday card

This was a really fun graphic to write and draw. feel free to pass it around this holiday season!

Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Farm Safety

This graphic is directed at the Agriculture worker. The goal is to educate the reader on basic safety tips when confronted with downed electrical wires in rural areas.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Guide to Powerlines

The goal of this graphic is to educate the reader on the three types of electrical wires and how to tell them apart.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA TODAY: July Fourth graphic


From frankfurters to fireworks, this is a quick look at how Americans celebrate the Fourth of July.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA: Wire Safety

This graphic is directed at the general public. The goal is to educate the reader on basic safety tips when confronted with downed electrical wires.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today: Full Page infographic

Capitol Dome Restoration. I worked directly with a writer, a researcher and the architects responsible for the restoration of the Capitol building in to develop this full page graphic. Fairly quick turnaround. Good results.


Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

RE Magazine illustration

This piece mixed an infographic and a feature story headline in a really interesting way. One of my favorites. (Special thanks to Jerry Mosemak at for the texture assist.)

Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

USA Today: Local Food

This was a one-day "Design Jam" graphic for the USA Today Network focusing on three U.S. cities and what "local food" means to them. I wanted to keep the art flat and simple so that the charts stood out. This was a small team effort with me wearing  as designer, researcher and copywriter hats.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA TODAY: Print and mobile graphic

Spies are Us. This infographic ran along side an interview of real live spy, Peter Earnest (Executive Director of the International Spy Museum). The graphic mixes notable milestones in spying history with state of the art spy gear of the time.


Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

USA Today: Election graphic

See how close we are? This quick-turn infographic shows that both Red staters and Blue Staters agree that the lowly sandwich is the best thing to have for lunch.

Created with Adobe Illustrator


Marketing infographic touting the services of a Digital Marketing and SEO company.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today Infographic: The Drought

Flowchart illustrating the unexpected effects of drought conditions and how they effect us all.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today Infographic: Music Festival Guide

This was one of my favorite-ever graphics to create. There was lots of information to work with, and since the subject matter is light-hearted, I tried to have as much fun as I could, adding little touches that will be familiar to the average music festival goer.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today: Live Aid

Live aid: 30 Years Later(if you can believe it...) This was a quick turnaround numbers graphic that accompanied a "look back" story.


Created with Adobe Illustrator


Here is an example of an icon-based numbers graphic that shows just enough information to keep you interested.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today Holiday Traffic-graphic

Infographic as game. Another fun one! Here I took a stale yearly traffic forecast and turned it into something you actually want to interact with. Who says stifling holiday traffic can't be fun?


(Original published artwork was Flash-based interactive.)

Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Flash

USA Today Network Graphic

Let's get digital. This was a one-day "Design Jam" graphic for the USA Today Network. This was a small team effort with me wearing  as designer, researcher and copywriter hats.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today Network graphic

Your favorite toys. This was a one-day "Design Jam" graphic for the USA Today Network. This was a small team effort with me wearing  as designer, researcher and copywriter hats.


Created with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

USA Today: Halloween

Boo! this was a fun exercise in making a list interesting and festive. I really like this one too.


Created with Adobe Illustrator 

USA Today Network Graphic

Hello Dolly. This was a one-day "Design Jam" graphic for the USA Today Network. This was a small team effort with me wearing  as designer, researcher and copywriter hats.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today graphic: Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin? This graphic explains the difference between the  almighty U.S. Dollar and this upstart currency.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

Usa Today Network graphic

Cupid or Stupid. This was a one-day "Design Jam" graphic for the USA Today Network. This was a small team effort with me wearing  as designer, researcher and copywriter hats.


Created with Adobe Illustrator

USA Today: Advertising graphic

Part of a series of travel pieces where a seasoned business traveller is selected to give their take on a city that they frequently travel to. 

Created with Adobe Illustrator

NRECA International

Public service ad campaign for NRECA International teaching developing countries the medical benefits of electrification.

Created with Adobe Illustrator

Got Milk?

"Beyond the Banner" ad treatment for the front page of USA TODAY.


show thumbnails